Why Recreate Old Games Digitally


Digital games, from the early arcade classics to the latest titles, are part of our intangible cultural heritage. They do not serve merely as entertainment but are a digital artifact that embodies the social values and technological advancements of that time and the artistic creations coming from the men and women who produced them. Unlike [&hellip

Donald Trump: Dress to Impress


Donald Trump: Dress to Impress is known for his larger-than-life personality, but his fashion choices also play a significant role in his public image. Whether it’s a business meeting or a political rally, Trump always pays attention to how he looks. His signature style, including tailored suits and bold ties, shows his preference for a [&hel

Mobile Trade A Digital Revolution


Mobile trade is changing how people shop and do business. Thanks to smartphones and tablets we can now buy things, pay bills and even run businesses just by using our mobile devices. This makes shopping more convenient because you can do it anytime anywhere. Whether you’re at home on the bus or even at the […]

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